Living Well on a Budget

Written by Nicole Dean

submitted by Moms like You

If it’s Good Enough for Cleopatra

Add milk to your bathwater. I like to use Sea Salts or Bath Therapy and then add about a cup of milk to my bathwater. It feels wonderful. If it’s good enough for Cleopatra, then it’s good enough for me! – Nicole Dean

Make your own Sugar Scrub

1/2 cup brown sugar
1/8 cup vegetable oil such as sunflower or something like that
1 tbsp honey
essential oils such as rosemary, mint or grapefruit

Use about one tablespoon, Especially good on rough dishpan hands, elbows, and feet.

Michele Calpito

Benefits of Lavender

Lavender has been widely known to aid in calming nerves and tension as well as aiding in the relief of headache and migraines while easing your drift off to sleep.  Enjoy a lavender scented eye pillow with the lights low to ease your headache away, the scent soothes your mind and body.  – Christina Lunceford


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