Thanksgiving Turkey Fun Preschool Theme Crafts

Written by Nicole Dean

by Aunt B

Copyright 2004-2006 Story Soup Kids, a division of Enchanted Corner

Kids Turkey Crafts

Turkey Melt

White paper
Peeled Crayons (fall colors)
Large electric flat pancake griddle
Pair of old socks
Paper Plate
Sharpie Marker

Cover griddle with foil. Plug in the griddle to heat up. Place the old socks on your child’s hands to protect them from the griddle. Place white paper on griddle once hot. Color on the white paper and see the crayons melt. You can also do this on the paper plate if you choose, I recommend you use a brown crayon for the paper plate. Once the white paper is covered in all fall colors. Take it off and turn off/unplug the griddle. On the table place you child’s hand on the on the paper and trace as many hands as you can out of this colorful paper. Cut the hands out and glue to the back of the paper plate. Draw a turkey face on the paper plate. You know have a colorful turkey. To enjoy the most out of the colors hang the turkey in the window.

Alterations: Cut a round circle out of the crayon melt paper and glue the hands on to it. You can also use crayon melting to create beautiful fall leaves.

Turkey Pumpkin Bowl

You will need:
Medium to Small Pumpkin
Knife for adult use only
Large and small spoons
Fresh fruit
Flat Suckers

Cut top off pumpkin. Use your spoons to hollow out the pumpkin. Leave more on the backside of the pumpkin then the front. (save seeds for roasting).
Poke your suckers through the back of the pumpkin to look like feathers. Take your brown construction paper and cut into a long oval shape. Glue wiggly eyes on to each side of the brown oval, fold one end about 1/2 inch, glue that end to the pumpkin in the front.
Wash and cut up fruit, the fruit can include green and red grapes, apples,etc. Chill fruit, just before Thanksgiving dinner put in hollowed out pumpkin.

Hands of Turkey Framed

Items you will need:

Tempera Paints in fall colors be sure to include Brown
Paint Brushes
White Construction Paper
Google Eyes
Read Construction paper
Orange pipe cleaners
Picture Frame size depends read directions
Paint your child’s palm and thumb brown, paint each finger a different color. Place hand print onto the white paper. Do so for both hands making sure to place the thumbs facing each other. (left and right)
Once dry place the white paper inside a picture frame that is to the size of both hands. Depending on your child’s age weather it will be a 8×10 or a 10×13 (babies can use a 5×7) Once your hands are inside the frame glue on a google eye to the thumb, but do so ON THE GLASS. Also cut a small oval piece of red to glue ON TO THE GLASS under the neck (thumb) part of the turkey. Cut two orange pipe cleaners to the correct size for your turkey. Bend them to add feet to the leg and glue them ON THE GLASS under the body (palm) of the turkey.

Once you are done this is a keepsake art. It is a 3-D turkey.

Turkey Printable Games & Activities

Turkey Cooking with Kids

Turkey Friends

1 red apple
1 large marshmallow
5-6 small marshmallows
12-14 raisins
As many toothpicks as marshmallows
1 candy corn

To put the turkey together:

Place apple on hard surface with stem up. Take off stem if there is one.
On each toothpick, you will have 2 raisins and 1 marshmallow. The marshmallow will be at the top (or rounded tip of the pick) and the raisins will be below the marshmallow.
Evenly space the toothpicks directly behind where the stem would have been.
Directly opposite of where the marshmallow/raisin toothpicks are is where you will place the large marshmallow face.

To make the face:

Use 2 raisins for the eyes; push them into the large marshmallow. Use the 1 candy corn for the nose; push the corn into the marshmallow using the pointed end. Mount the head and you have a turkey.

(Let your child change the directions up how they would like.)

Recommended Turkey Books to read

Arthur’s Thanksgiving
Written by: Marc Brown
It is almost Thanksgiving and Arthur is in charge of the school’s Thanksgiving play. He runs into trouble when nobody wants to play the part of the turkey and has to take matters into his own hands!

‘Twas the Night before Thanksgiving “
Written by: Dav Pilkey
School children of various races go on a field trip to Mack Nugget’s farm save the lives of eight turkeys by smuggling them home, this poem based on “The Night Before Christmas.”

Ten Fat Turkeys
Written by: Tony Johnston
Children will gobble up this hilarious story about ten goofy turkeys and their silly actions.


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