Direct Sales Marketing At The Market

March 20, 2011 · Filed Under Growing Your Business · Comments Off on Direct Sales Marketing At The Market 

Turning a Trip to the Market Into a Marketing Opportunity

direct sales marketingOne of the ways that you can measure your success as a direct sales consultant is to see how often you can “sell” your direct sales business, not only during a direct sales party but during mundane, day-to-day tasks like paying your bills and visiting the local grocery store. While it’s easy to make sales and generate direct sales leads when you’ve got a captive, RSVP’ed audience staring up at you just waiting for you to make your pitch, it’s another thing entirely when you’re standing in line next to a frazzled mom counting coupons at the check-out counter. However, once you’ve learned to share your story to just about anyone, just about anywhere, you’ve made leaps and bounds towards making your direct sales business an entire direct sales career.

The Direct Sales Consultant Elevator Speech

In the world of a direct sales consultant, one of the most powerful tools you can carry around with you is known as your elevator speech. This is a simple yet powerful message that you can share in about the space of time it takes to make a quick trip in the elevator. It is important because many times you’ll meet hot prospects in less than ideal locations and if you don’t seize the opportunity, it will pass you by. You can look online for examples of successful elevator speeches, but it’s important that you customize yours so that it really captures who you are and what you do. Next, practice saying it in front of the mirror, with a timer until you’ve got it down to under a minute and a half and free of any “ums” or stutters.

Combine it With a Business Card

Once you’ve aced your elevator speech, the next order of business is making sure that you’re armed with a great business card. This should involve more than just a name and phone number, and should instead capture the attention and imagination of those you give it to. Many times you can include a few tips or ideas on the back, or a great quote or question that really grabs the reader’s interest and won’t let go until they call, email or visit your website for more information. Add the delivery of your business card into the broadcast of your elevator speech for extra impact.

Anyone can be a potential lead, if you know how to turn ordinary opportunities into extraordinary business situations. That frazzled mom who kept her head together in line might make a great host for your next direct sales party, but you’ll never know if you don’t ask!

Marketing Your Direct Sales Business!

There really are an unlimited amount of FREE leads out there, you just need to be willing to go to any lengths to get them. When you take advantage of every direct sales lead opportunity you will always have a full calendar and have a consistent income from home.

Direct Sales Training For Home Party Business

June 12, 2010 · Filed Under Successful Home Parties · Comments Off on Direct Sales Training For Home Party Business 

Home Party Sales Down? Get Some Training!

So many sales consultants think that they do not have to go to training meetings.  Meetings are the key to party plan success. Direct sales training is necessary for anyone wishing to work in the home party business. Companies who want their independent sales consultants to be successful typically offer their consultants ongoing opportunities to learn and thrive. Product knowledge, lead generation, and effective promotional methods need to be a part of home party consultants’ training. Each of these areas will be discussed in detail below.

Consultants Know Your Direct Sales Products!

To begin, home party consultants need to be vigorously educated about the products that they will be selling. Having an elaborate party with food is fruitless if a salesperson is not very knowledgeable about his or her products. Those attending the parties are sure to have detailed questions about products as well as return policies, discounts, etc. To this end, the company employing independent consultants typically provides product training in the form of DVD manuals and online sessions.

Find Direct Selling Leads – Get Bookings!

party plan bookingsNext, lead generation is a very critical part of the training for direct selling party consultants. The parties will cease to go on without ongoing bookings. Salespeople are provided with techniques to help them get more people at their shows and to grow their mailing lists.  There is an unlimited supply of business out there  and you just need to know where to look and how to find party plan bookings! To provide an example of this, salespeople could be encouraged to hand out surveys at the end of their parties which ask attendees if they would like to be part of a mailing list. These repeat customers should be marketed to and encouraged to bring people to future parties. They should also be given incentives to host parties of their own.

Last but not least, party consultants should be trained in effectively using different promotional methods to market their product parties. For example, the companies that provide the products usually offer their consultants the use of websites either for free or for a small fee each month. These websites contain a lot of useful features, including the sending out of automatic emails with hyperlinks to the sites, which aid in promoting the consultants’ parties and products.

Party Plan Team Training Meetings

It is imperative that you attend your party plan company team training meetings.  One of the biggest mistakes that most direct sellers make is not going to their team meetings. In conclusion, it is critical for home party consultants to receive direct sales training. The training typically involves discussions on product knowledge, lead generation, and effective promotional methods.

Free Party Plan Training Tips

When you learn the proven systems that those that came before you have used you will get the same results.  Learn more direct sales and party plan specific training and motivation at the number one free direct selling training center on the web.  Deb Bixler provides proven systems that work for direct sellers and they will work for you.

Have You Ever Thought About Working From Home?

January 14, 2009 · Filed Under Training Your Team · Comments Off on Have You Ever Thought About Working From Home? 

home desk remix photo credit: jm3

I love asking…

Have you ever thought about working from home?

I use this line all the time at the parks and places I am hanging out with my kids.

Simply start the conversation with another mom…

Do you come here often?

Which kids are yours?

Then bridge the conversation into…

Do you stay at home with your kids?

When she asks, What about you?

You say…

Yes, I am so fortunate, I have a business I work right alongside my children and our activities and create extra income for my family. Have you ever thought about working from home?

I have to go to the dentist today so I’m gonna try and talk to someone there and then I’m stopping at the park again today to meet some more moms! We have about 45 minutes between appointments today so we are gonna sneak in a park visit. Everyone wins! My kids are happy to go to the park and I’m happy cause I never know who I am going to meet.

Who are you going to meet today?

Louann Cormier

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